Do you visit us for the first time?
What to expect from your first visit:
We, the team at Smiles Plus Dental Care understand that every patient has individual needs. If you don’t have an emergency, we would love to begin with an hour long appointment. The dental hygienist will perform a dental cleaning and take a full set of mouth x-rays. Then one of the highly trained doctors on our dental team will perform a basic dental exam and discuss any potential treatment plans that you may need.
We believe that oral health is as important as physical and mental health. We’ll guide you in navigating your options and provide customized dental treatment and prevention plans just for you.
Are you having a dental emergency?
Don’t worry. We’ll get you to a highly trained dentist right away! We’ll take x-rays and perform a quick dental exam to determine the cause of your pain. Then we will discuss the best dental treatment option for you. In extreme dental emergencies, we offer same-day treatment as well.
Once you are finished with your treatment, we recommend that you visit us for a comprehensive exam to prevent any future problems. Contact us today for more information or to schedule an appointment.