Where are you most likely to get a tooth knocked out? When you’re playing contact sports. Thankfully, this is easily remedied – all you need to do is wear a sports guard whenever you play.
Our teeth are made to withstand a lot of pressure. Over time and through use though, we can end up with small cracks in our teeth. When we bite on hard, crunchy foods, those weak spots can lead to a fractured tooth.
Do your best to avoid biting into hard foods, such as hard candy. Also, avoid chewing ice as this can further weaken your teeth, causing more cracks and increasing the possibility of a break.
The bacteria in your mouth breaks down the sugars you eat. During this process, an acid is released, which can attack the teeth, leading to decay. We’re not saying that you need to eliminate sugar completely, but try to reduce your intake when you can and brush your teeth after eating sweets.
Sugary drinks, like soda and energy drinks can wreak havoc on your teeth. Limit these beverages as much as possible. Dried fruit and sticky candy can also pose problems because they get stuck in your molars and between your teeth causing accelerated decay.